Josh Swenson is a young boy who has lost his motivation to change the world and now has trouble motivating himself to get up off the couch. Once he hooks up with the mystical guru Gus, Josh finds not only his motivation, he finds the meaning of life.
Book Talk:
What is the meaning of life? After an exhausting run for president and a wild goose chase across the country to find an old girlfriend named Janine, Josh comes home and finds himself unmotivated. He spends his days on the couch, in front of the television, wondering about the meaning of life.
Then, Josh hooks up with a wacky guru named Gus at Walden Pond. Josh’s life is about to take a turn towards the weird. Josh’s old girlfriend Janine appears as one of Gus’ disciples. Add in some land mines, paint by number sets, a kidney donation, and a wild tourist running around with a video camera and Josh finds that he isn’t sure about his own reality anymore, much less the meaning of life. Is Gus a charlatan, or is he a great guru who is going to help Josh discover the meaning of life?
Author Web Site: www.janettashjian.com
It looks like a great book.!! Certainly visit Alibris.com to get one for my younger brother.