ISBN 13: 978-1416906995. Hard Cover, $16.99.

Coretta Scott King Award Honor Book
NYPL “Books for the Teen Age”
2008 Winner, African American Literary Awards Show
November Nelson is a senior in high school. Everything is going right for her; she is looking at getting into college and scholarships are being offered. Then comes the day when November finds out that her dead boyfriend left her more than just memories. How is she going to tell her mother? What will she decide to do?
Book Talk:
Josh Prescott died two months ago in a fraternity prank. He left behind his girlfriend, November, and his best friend and cousin, Jericho. The emotional toll on both teens has been tremendous.
Jericho has given up playing his horn and everything else that he enjoyed before Josh died. He’s gone out for football. Week after week, he hits the football field hard, hoping that the pain of football will take away the pain of missing Josh.
Much to her horror, November discovers that she is pregnant. She is on the fast track to go to college, accepting scholarships and signed up for college tours with her mom. She is now facing the hardest decisions of her life.
As we join the story, November has gone to Jericho’s house to pick up some homework. She is looking at a picture of Josh on Jericho’s desk…
“I can’t believe all the little molecules that made up Josh have simply disappeared, like…” He paused, searching for an analogy. “Like kids’ soap bubbles when they pop. Just gone. I never did like science,” he added, suddenly kicking his pillow with fury. They both watched it sail through the air and land on a pile of dirty clothes.
Then November said quietly, “not all of Josh’s atoms are gone, Jericho.”
“Maybe a little piece of Josh will stick around for a while.”
“You talkin’ crazy,” Jericho said.
She leaned forward, “ I got something to tell you.”
“About chemistry class?”
“More about biology.”
“I’m not followin’. We don’t even take biology this year.”
November took a deep breath. “I’m going to have a baby, Jericho. Josh’s baby.”
Jericho inhaled sharply, as if he’d been punched in the gut, then fell back on the bed. “Are you sure?”
“How come every movie I see, that’s always the first question dudes ask? Like I’d come over here and tell you this unless I was absolutely, positively sure.”
“I’m sorry. It’s just…that’s the last thing I’d expect you to say.” He paused, his head swimming. “I would have been less surprised if you had said you were running away to join the circus!”……..
November stood up suddenly and ran out of Jericho’s room to the bathroom across the hall. She didn’t have time to close the door, and her vomiting echoed in the hallway. Jericho headed for the door in alarm.
When she walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later, she looked pale and unsteady. “Are you sure you want to help?” she asked, a wan grin on her face.
“I’m with you all the way,” he answered, and wondered what that really meant.” Pgs. 66-69
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