ISBN 13: 978-0-7636-3650-0. Hardcover $18.99.
Babylonne is a young girl living in France during the Middle Ages. She escapes the abusive home she is living in and strikes out on her own, determined to help the rebels fight against the kingdom of France.
Cathars are the sworn enemies of the Catholic Church and of Rome. When the French come in and take over a new town or territory, the first thing they do is to kill off all leaders and open followers of the Cathar faith.
Babylonne is 16 years old. She has survived six seiges by the French. She is living with her abusive Grandmother and Aunt in Languedoc in a convent of the Cathars. When she is given the news that she is to be married off to a senile old man, Babylonne decides to run away and strike out for the nearest army to fight against the French and avenge her family.
Attempting to escape in the early morning hours, Babylonne runs straight into the very last person that she wants to see- A Roman Priest. Not only does the priest offer to help Babylonne, he claims that he is the former traveling companion of the father that she has never known.
Can Babylonne trust this priest to help her escape from her horrid living situation? Will he help her escape to fight the French? Can he be trusted to do what is right for her? Did he truly know her father?
Find out in this fascinating look back at Medieval France...
Author Web Site: Catherine Jinks