The publisher recommends this book for grades 4-8.
Set twenty three years after the book Peter and the Secret of Rundoon, this story begins where it left off, with Peter the forever boy living on Mollusk Island and tormenting Captain Hook. However, in London, time has moved forward. Molly has married George Darling and has three children: Wendy, Michael and John.
When James, one of the former lost boys approaches her about a threat to the monarchy, star stuff, and Lord Ombra, Wendy begins a search to find the truth. When both Molly and James disappear, daughter Wendy goes on a quest to find the mysterious Peter to convince him to help her find her mother.
Book Talk
Starstuff. Lord Ombra. A mysterious sword of mercy. The Starcatchers. These are all things of legend, of children's tales. Or are they?
In the twenty three years since Molly left Peter on Mollusk Island, many things have changed. Molly has married George Darling and has three children, Wendy, Michael and John. As Molly has gotten older, she has done her best to forget about her past as a Starcatcher and the wonderful boy named Peter. As time goes on, it is easier and easier for Molly to forget her past.
On Mollusk Island, Peter lives much as he always has. Doomed to spend forever as a 13 year old by the Starstuff, Peter lives on the island with the other forever boys, tormenting Captain Hook. Until the day that three mysterious strangers show up on the island.
Things look like they will continue on as they always have....And then... The Queen is dying, and the new Prince will soon take over the throne. As the Queen gets sicker and sicker, the advisors to the Prince begin to mysteriously disappear until only one trusted advisor is left. One advisor who has a face like a nightmare and keeps himself surrounded in shadow. One advisor who feels much like an old shadow enemy - Lord Ombra. And Lord Ombra is searching for the Sword of Mercy - a powerful weapon which can change the course of events.
James, a former lost boy who now works for Scotland Yard meets the enemy and recognizes him for who he is. Panicked, James tracks down the only other person he knows who will believe him - Molly Darling. Molly listens to James, but doesn't believe him until James disappears and is never seen again. Determined to find James, Molly then sets out to find him and also disappears.
Confused by mysterious references to starstuff and Lord Ombra and Rundoon, Wendy tracks down her grandfather and discovers that she is a Star Catcher, one of the chosen who fight the age - long battle between good and evil.
Armed only with a small locket of Star Stuff, Wendy takes off to find the mysterious Peter in an attempt to get him to help her find Molly and stop Lord Ombra and the others from obtaining the last of the Star Stuff and reuniting the pieces of the Sword of Mercy. But, will she be able to convince Peter to join her?
Join in the exciting race against time in "Peter and the Sword of Mercy" by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson.
*Reviewer's note - if you have not read the previous three books in the series, this book can be a bit confusing at first.*
Author Website: Peter and the Star Catchers