
Book Talk:
There is a basket ball court in Harlem that is famous. Court #4 is known as "the" court. It's a public court, but not just anyone can play there. You must first earn the right to play on this court by playing in other courts around the city. The best of the best have played on this court. On a hot summer day, you will find dozens of young men, waiting for their turn to play against the best the city has to offer. College Scouts and Pro Basketball scouts make frequent stops at the cage, watching the young men, looking for the best players. Scholarships are handed out frequently to the best players on the court.
Follow the adventures of Court #4 on a hot summer day. In this short story collection, we look through the eyes of nine different people on and around the basketball court that day. Players, who are waiting their turn to take on the best that the city has to offer, and see how they measure up. Young women, watching the game, and the boys playing on the court. A young film-maker who wants to be the next Spike Lee, looking for the perfect film for his admission packet for Columbia. Each story picks up where the previous one left off, but the characters weave in and out of all the stories.
Do you have what it takes to join the pick up game?
Website of the compilers of the anthology:
Marc Aronson:
Charles R. Smith Jr:
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