Book Talk:
Lady Eona was raised as a boy. Living with a Dragon Eye Warrior, Eona learned to fight, to read, and to act as a man. All these attributes are forbidden to women in the cloud kingdom.
When a new Dragon Eye Warrior is chosen, Eona is present at the ceremony. The shock is palpable when Eona (Eon) is chosen to be a Dragon Eye Warrior for the Mirror Dragon.... a dragon that has not been seen in the cloud kingdom, or had a warrior in the cloud kingdom, for over 500 years.
After Lord Sethon murders his brother, the Emperor, chaos erupts around the palace. Eona escapes from the palace with a handful of people. Word is out that the Emperor's oldest son Kygo also escaped, and is at large in the countryside, making ready to challenge Lord Sethon for the throne of the kingdom.
Imagine the shock when Eona discovers that there are only two remaining Dragon Eye Warriors- herself, an untrained warrior, and Lord Ido- whose treachery enabled Lord Sethon to take over the kingdom and kill the other Dragon Eye Warriors.
As Eona attempts to heal Ryko, she discovers a horrifying truth: she has no control over her powers. The only person who can teach her to handle her powers is the traitor, Lord Ido.
As Eona and Kygo work together to retake the kingdom from Lord Sethon, Eona frantically searches for a way to control her powers and unlock the mystery of the mysterious red folio that came from the last Mirror Dragon Warrior - her kinswoman, Kinra, who was put to death for her treachery to the Emperor.
Can Eona learn to control her powers without the help of Lord Ido?
What secrets are held within the red folio?
Why was Kinra killed by her husband, the emperor, 500 years ago?
Will Kygo succeed in his bid to retake the throne from his Uncle, Lord Sethon?
What exactly is the secret of the black folio?
And why does Eona feel the compulsion to rip the sacred pearl from the throat of Lord Kygo whenever they are together?
Find out the answers to these questions and more in Eona...
Reviewer's Note:
I read and reviewed Eon, the prequel to this book over a year ago. I didn't re-read Eon before I picked up Eona. Within the first 100 pages, I was reminded of all of the major plot twists from the first book. This book is a stand alone book- you don't have to read Eon to understand Eona, but if you haven't read Eon, you will want to go back and find out the back story of the Dragon Eye Warriors and how Eona came to be known as Eon.
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