The Erudite value intelligence. The Dauntless treasure valor and fearlessness. Amity values peace. Candor values honesty. Abnegation are selfless. Once you choose a faction on graduation day, you are a member of that faction for life. You will put your faction above all else, even family. Every person shows an aptitude for a certain faction. During the graduation tests, they find which faction best matches them. They are free to choose any faction, but the tests help them see where they would best fit in.
But, what if? What if you don't fit into any one faction? What if the tests don't work for you? What if you don't fit the mold?
You are Divergent.... and the Divergent are considered to be dangerous and outside of the control of the faction. The Divergent are hunted down and killed when they are found. Their deaths are explained away as accidents or suicides.
Beatrice Prior grew up an Abegnation. When she takes the tests, her results come back with a scary answer. She is warned that she is Divergent, and that she must guard this secret with her life. With no true faction affiliation showing in her nature, she will be choosing whichever faction will make her happy.
What will she choose? Will she choose a life of selflessness? A life of danger? One of constant honesty? If she chooses outside of her faction, she will never again be a part of her family, and her choice could bring shame to her family.
The choices you make define who you are...
*This review is cross-posted on my other blog, Mini-Van Mom.*
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