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Harry lived a quiet life with his mother's sister and her family - the Dursleys. While Harry's parents were great wizards, his mother's sister - Aunt Petunia - was not. The Dursleys were determined to stamp that magic nonsense out of him so that he would never know what he - or his parents truly were. After years of deprivation and punishment, Harry certainly had no clue that he had any magical talent whatsoever. He lived in his room in the cupboard under the stairs, and he wore his cousin Dudley's cast offs to school.
The joyful romp into the world of magic begins when Harry receives an owl from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, letting him know that classes will be beginning soon, what school supplies he will need, and where to catch the train for school.
Come and join Harry as he discovers the world of magic. Discover the wonder of Quidditch, and the charms of a very old school peopled by odd students, eccentric professors, and ghosts.
While Harry revels in the challenge of a new school and new friends, there seems to be a dark presence lurking in the background that is slowly taking shape.
Is it true? Could it be possible? Is the dark wizard slowly taking shape once again? Has he come back in order to finish the job he started on Harry? Find out in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone!