Sanderson, Brandon. The Rithmatist. 2013. Macmillan Publishers. New York, NY.
More than anything, Joel wants to be a Rithmatist. While he was not chosen to be a Rithmatist, Joel has a fascination with Rithmatics - the patterns that go into the defenses, and he has a deep understanding of the patterns and lines that are needed to make a strong defense. He sneaks into Rithmatics lectures during his spare time, and his understanding of the material rivals that of most of his classmates. Even so, he is not a Rithmatist, and because of this, deeper Rithmatic Theory forever remains beyond his grasp - a forbidden fruit that he is not allowed to touch.
Chalkings are the creatures that are made with chalk to attack Rithmatic defenses. These two dimensional creatures come to life at the behest of a Rithmatist, and attack the weak point of an opponents defenses. A Rithmatist will draw the chalkings to do his bidding, and then dismiss them with a swipe of his chalk when the battle is finished.
But what happens when Chalkings are no longer under the control of a Rithmatist? What becomes of these Wild Chalkings? There are rumors of Wild Chalkings loose on the island of Nebrask, but they are under the control of the Rithmatists stationed there. Or are they?
Joel's mother is a cleaning lady, and together they live in the school that trains the Rithmatists - Armedius Academy. Joel longingly watches the Rithmatics students as he works his way through the regular curriculum at Armedius.
Strange things are happening at Armedius - Rithmatic students are disappearing, leaving behind trails of blood. Chalk lines are appearing all over the campus - but these lines have no Rithmatic meaning that anybody understands.
Will Joel, Melody, and Professor Fitch be able to discover the meaning of these strange lines in time to save their own lives?
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