Chris is the step child in a family that was historically wealthy but has fallen on hard times. In a desperate attempt to save the family fortune, Chris' stepmother and step siblings get an invite to THE social event of the year. The hope is that the daughter Kimberly will meet J.J. Kennerly, and somehow a marriage between the two families will save the fortunes of the Bellows family.
Left at home because the family couldn't afford a ticket for Chris, he is sitting outside of the family brownstone when the fabulous Coco Chanel Jones walks past and decides to take Chris under his arm and help him get into THE event.
As events unfold, it is revealed that not only is Coco a Drag Queen, she is a member of the group that is performing at the event.
When Chris meets the man of his dreams as his shoe slips off his foot, things take an unexpected turn. When said man shows up at his door the next day with the shoe in one hand and Kimberly's hand in the other, Chris begins a walk down a path that leads him to accepting his own sexuality.
You will enjoy the unexpected twists and turns in this story that finally lead to the magical fairy tale ending that every Cinderalla story deserves!
Find this book in your local public library: https://www.worldcat.org/title/my-fairy-godmother-is-a-drag-queen/oclc/1021376363&referer=brief_results