Paul is a high school student struggling with his sexual identity. When Manuel, an openly gay student moves into town, Paul finds himself challenged to accept who he is.
Book Talk:
The God Box is a small wooden box. Write your concerns on a piece of paper, slip your concerns into the box, and turn your troubles over to God. Given enough time, you will find that your prayers have been answered. Paul has used his God Box for many years now. Into the box go concerns about tests, prayers for family members, and for friends. When the God Box gets full, Paul will go through the box and realize how his prayers have been answered.
And then, Manuel transfers into school.
Manuel is an openly Gay student. He challenges perceptions. He challenges the Bible. He helps to begin a Gay Straight Alliance in school. And he challenges Paul. Paul finds himself drawn to Manuel in a way that he has never been drawn to anyone before. As Paul struggles with his identity, Gay Hate incidents in the High School escalate until one horrific incident causes everyone to rethink the status quo.
Will Paul be able to find peace within himself? Find out in The God Box, by Lambda Award Winning author Alex Sanchez.
Author Website: www.alexsanchez.com
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