Book Talk:

Meg Murray is very worried about her brother and his inability to adapt to school.
She becomes terrified when Charles Wallace mentions that his mitochondria are sick, and that he might die from this disease that he has.
Her horror grows as she realizes that the battle that Charles Wallace has raging inside of him is the same battle that is raging across the solar system and has entire galaxies disappearing as if they had never existed.
Meg and her friend Calvin meet up with a giant Cherubim named Proginoskes (who looks like a giant, many winged dragon) at the star gazing rock. They have been called by a cosmic teacher to fight the battle against the things that are destroying the galaxies- and also Charles Wallace.
Can they find the key to defeating these horrors that are raging around them before Charles Wallace himself is destroyed?
Find out in: A Wind in the Door.
Author's Web Site:
Note: This Web Site is currently under construction and only contains the front page for the 50th anniversary of "A Wrinkle in Time".
Reviewer's Note:
I first read this book in 1975, when I was 10, and fell in love with the Murray family. I always wished that I could be as smart as Meg, but alas... that was not meant to be. This book cemented my love of the Fantasy genre. I still go back and read the books in the series when I'm feeling in need of comfort books. (Like comfort food, only not as fattening.) The other books in this series include A Swiftly Tilting Planet, A Wrinkle in Time, Many Waters.
"There are dragons in the twin's vegetable garden"
Charles Wallace to Meg... Page 1 of A Wind in the door.
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