There were Seven. Seven children who escaped the doomed planet of Lorien with their Cepan. Upon leaving, each child was given a charm that would protect them - as long as they stayed apart.

We join Number Seven in Florida. He is enjoying an evening on a boat with others from school when the third brand appears on his ankle. He and his Cepan, Henri, pack up and take off for yet another random destination.
They settle in Paradise, Ohio. Number Four decides to go by the name of John when he enrolls in high school. For the first time, John decides to fight back against the bullies and not just melt into the background. John also makes friends. And finds a girlfriend.
As they search for more information on the Mogadorians, John is shocked to find just how close they are to taking over the Earth - the same way they took over Lorien. The race to find out more about the Mogadorians, develop John's Legacies, and run before their location is discovered makes this a compelling read that will leave you hanging on the edge of your seat!
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