Saturday, February 3, 2018

Full Cicada Moon

Hilton, Marilyn.  Full Cicada Moon. 2015.  Dial Books for Young Readers.  New York, NY.

The year is 1969, and the Apollo Mission is about to land on the moon.  The world is full of wonder about the new territory about to be explored, and the scientific accomplishments of the NASA Scientists.

12 year old Mimi Oliver dreams of becoming an astronaut on the moon.  Growing up in California, surrounded by family and close friends, anything seems possible.

Mimi's Dad has been given his dream job - as a professor at Hillsborough College in Vermont.  And Mimi and her mother journey across the county to join her father in their new home and her new school - just after New Year's Day.

For Mimi, life is full of the usual complications of moving to a new school in a new place;  finding new friends, a place to fit in, getting to new to her classes and proving to the teachers that she really does belong in the classes that she's been placed into.

But there's one unexpected twist. As a half Japanese, half black young woman who wants to be a NASA Scientist in a mostly white very traditional small town in Vermont, she keeps finding unexpected obstacles and hostility where she least expects.

Mimi's journey to win acceptance and follow her dreams will give you the courage to follow your very own big dreams.

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