Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Soupy Leaves Home

Soupy leaves home
image: World Cat
Castellucci, Cecil.  Soupy Leaves Home.  2017.   Dark Horse Books, a division of Dark Horse Comics.  Milwaukie, Or.

Pearl runs away from home when she can no longer take her father's abuse.  Uncertain of where to go or what to do, she finds men's clothes and decides to find luck on the road.  Befriended by a Hobo named Ramshackle, Pearl takes on the road name of Soupy and travels across the country with Ramshackle, learning the unwritten rules of the world and finding a code of honor by which she can live. 

When Pearl's time on the road nears the end, will she be able to return home and live by her new rules?  Or will she be forced to fit back into the box that defined her world before she left?

*This historic fiction is based upon a time when women did not have the chances or opportunities that they had now.   It is based upon what is known about the Hobo Life during the Depression.

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