This is the startling conclusion to the books The Battle of Jericho and November Blues.
Fall of Senior Year has begun for Kofi, Jericho, November Arielle, and Dana. The students find themselves wrapped up in their classes and college applications.
In the middle of everything, a student shows up in Chemistry class with a gun, demanding that his voice be heard.
Book Talk:
"So what makes a hero, and who is the hero of the day?" (page 280).
Fall has begun, and Jericho, November, and Arielle find themselves in their Senior Year of High School. With the tragedy of Josh's death behind them, November has returned to school after the birth of her baby and the students are now applying to colleges and looking forward to all that life has to offer them.
Not all is going well in the world of Douglas High School. Koffi is still suffering from the trauma of the night Josh died, and has become addicte to pain killers. Eddie has returned to school from his stint in Juvie for the part he played in Josh's death, and Arielle is reeling from the nightmare of her home life. Crazy Jack is still clanging his cymbals wherever he goes, but he seems to be searching for bigger and louder ways to make people pay attention to him. Osrick is being bullied unmercifully, and he has vowed revenge on those who have wronged him.
In the midst of all this, the school is suffering from a spate of false fire alarms.
Have the alarms been set off just to annoy the students and teachers, or is there something more sinister behind the rise in false alarms?
As the students face the most frightening moment of their lives, we find the answer to the question: "So, what makes a hero, and who is the hero of the day?"
Author Web Site: sharon draper
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