The year is 1703. Digory Beale gets word that his father's ship has gone down off the coast of England. He is sent off to find word of his father. If his father has died in the wreck Digory is told he can never return home. As Digory sets off across England, he is befriended by Henry Winstanley, the Jester of Littlebury".
When the largest storm in the history of England threatens the Lighthouse that Winstanley built, Digory and his master set out in a race against time to fix the lighthouse.
Book Talk:
Courage. There are many kinds of courage in this world. When Eleven year old Digory Beale is sent off alone, across England to find word of his father, he discovers the many faces of courage.
Beset by press gangs for Her Majesty's Navy, captured by Highway Men, and forced to face his deepest fears, Digory learns to rise above the situation in front of him and hold true to himself.
Digory is rescued from the gallows by Henry Winstanley, a gadgeteer, inventor, and builder of the Lighthouse of Eddystone Reef. While living with Winstanley, Digory learns to read and draw. Digory is amazed at the gadgets his Master has built, including the first ever roller coaster in the world.
But, when a giant cyclone threatens the Lighthouse on Eddystone Reef, Digory is forced to face his deepest fear- to cross the sea in rough, choppy seas in order to repair the lighthouse.
Based upon the true story of Henry Winstanley, the Jester of Littlesbury, this story will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
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