
Book Talk:
Jacob Restless has been searching for answers. His father has disappeared, and no one knows where he has gone. As he is searching his father's study for answers, Jacob finds a mirror on the wall. Unique in design, Jacob wonders why his father had left the mirror on the wall. Jacob finds a clue, "The mirror will open only for he who cannot see himself".
Once Jacob understands the clue, he finds himself in a strange world that is accessed only by the mirror. There are strange, mythical creatures here. Creatures that exist only in fairy tales in our world. Jacob begins a search through the mirror world, looking for his father.
But when Jacob's younger brother Ben enters the mirror world, things get downright dangerous. Unaware of the dangers of the mirror world, Ben makes a deadly mistake. He is attacked by a Goyl. Ben manages to fight off the Goyl, marred only by some scratches. The scratches contain a deadly poison. Slowly but surely, they will change Jacob's flesh to stone. He will lose his humanity and become a Goyl - the enemy of all humans in the shadow world.
The Goyl are anxiously awaiting Ben's arrival, for it is said that he will become the Jade Goyl who will give invincibility to the King he serves. King Hentzau, the Dark Fairy, and his men are searching for this magic weapon which will allow them to rule the mirror world once and for all.
It is a desparate race against time.....
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