
Book Talk:
Lisabeth Lewis has an ultra-cool black horse that loves pralines. She has a set of scales. And, she has a brand new job. She's been appointed one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse- Famine.
Her job is to travel throughout the world and bring hunger and thirst. Wherever she goes, Pestilence, War, and Death are not far behind.
There's a problem, though. Lisa is Anorexic. She constantly struggles with her own inner hunger. Now, she must travel to parts of the world where hunger is a painful part of everyday life. As she sees the devastating effects of hunger wherever she goes, Lisa begins to battle her own inner demons- and the desire to be thin - against the needs of the people around her who are suffering.
Can she find a way to use the powers of Famine for good?
Author's Web Site:
Reviewer's Note:
With the graphic themes of Famine, of Anorexia, Bulimia, and a suicide attempt, I would not recommend this book for young teens. The publisher recommends this book for grades 7 - 10. I think I'd push that age limit up a bit, to grades 9-12. As a Mom who knows several teens struggling with an eating disorder, I did find this book very insightful. It was an excellent read, fast paced, and thought provoking.
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