Thursday, December 27, 2012

Doctor Who

Are you prepared for the British Invasion?

Doctor Who is a Time Lord, who travels through space and time in his Tardis- which is cleverly disguised as a Police Telephone Box- keeping the universe on track, defeating evil dudes, and keeping the universe a safe place for all of humanity.

This series, produced by the BBC, is Science Fiction/Fantasy at it's best. With historical fiction tossed in for some fun, you will be charmed by the Doctor and his companions in their adventures around the universe.

Fans of the original BBC series will enjoy this regeneration of the Doctor. With up to date special effects and modern story lines, today's Doctor is just as charming as the Doctor we remember!

Note From the Reviewer:
I do understand that Doctor Who is not a book!  I am a fan of the Doctor, I joined in the fandom when I was in college 20+ years ago.  This series is different from the old series that we remember.  The special effects are awesome, and the Tardis is a solid, sturdy time machine that benefits from modern special effects.

Doctor Who is a hot commodity among the teenagers again.  With the clever mix of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, and a solid story line that is true to the original vision of Doctor Who, this series is smart, funny, and intellectually challenging television series that will appeal to those who love smart television.

The entire collection of Doctor Who is available in many libraries, on some PBS channels, on BBC America, and some episodes are available on the BBC website:

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